Welcome to DANC!

The latest from DANC:

DANC is currently in a period of great financial need, and we have paused most of our ongoing activities. The Leadership Committee continues to meet regularly, but without funding, it’s admittedly hard to get much done. We are in the process of forming a legal entity. Our goal is to focus on fundraising in the immediate future. Please consider donating to our cause.

Who we are

Dance Artists’ National Collective (DANC) is a united group of dancers advocating for safe, equitable, and sustainable working conditions for dancers in the U.S., especially those who are most impacted by systems of oppression. DANC works to empower dancers, who are often underpaid, mistreated, manipulated, and misclassified, by engaging in research, sharing resources, educating members, organizing for collective action, and championing labor standards.

Want to join us in our mission?

Join us in shaping the future of DANC and the future of the dance field! If you identify as a dancer, we invite you to become a Member of DANC. As a member, you’ll be eligible to vote and serve on certain committees within DANC. (Membership is free, DANC does not charge dues or any other membership fees.)

If you’re not eligible for membership, or if for any reason you don’t want to be a member of DANC, you can still signal your solidarity by becoming an Ally of DANC. We welcome individuals as well as organizations to indicate their support by becoming Allies of DANC.

Members, Allies, and everyone else are welcome at DANC’s monthly general membership meetings. We invite you to join us on Zoom on the first Monday of each month at 8pm ET.

Stay up to date

To stay up to date about DANC’s meetings, events, and news, subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on Instagram, and join our Google Group.


DANC is currently accepting tax-deductible donations through our fiscal sponsor, Fractured Atlas. Your donation, no matter the size, is a meaningful contribution to our work!