Advocacy: Faye Driscoll / NYLA

In October, 2021, Faye Driscoll posted the following audition notice:

DANC members noticed many issues with the job and the audition process. DANC’s Leadership Committee worked swiftly and diligently to reach out to Faye. We wanted to highlight the problematic elements of the audition notice and invite her to work further with us to make improvements. Here is the email that DANC’s Leadership Committee sent to Faye:

Faye responded to our email, but didn’t adequately address our concerns, and didn’t indicate an interest in discussing further with us. So the DANC Leadership Committee followed up by including New York Live Arts in the conversation. NYLA is the organization commissioning this new work from Faye. Here is the email that DANC’s Leadership Committee sent to NYLA:

Kim from NYLA responded and the DANC Leadership Committee is working to set up a meeting with a few NYLA representatives. Given this project’s visibility and institutional backing, we believe NYLA and Faye Driscoll have the opportunity to set a powerful example for our field.

Do you have concerns/thoughts to share? Are you a dancer that auditioned or got hired for this work? We want to hear from you and support you however we can. We welcome your thoughts and feedback via this anonymous google form.